Monday, February 21, 2011

The Men on the Wagon and the Horses

As we all know, our economy is going through some rough times at the moment. And some of us are sitting, scratching our heads, wondering why. I say to those people:
We, Americans, are lazy.
Not all of us. There are people who work constantly to pay taxes, feed our families, and pay for the new Heath Care bill that nobody wanted. So, yes, there are hard working citizens.
And then, there are the liars.
Selfish, rude, and uncaring people who sit on their couches and watch T.V and can't get a job. Now, one thing that I found out was that HALF of the United States of America citizens, get a check every month that gives them money to pay for food, taxes, and other necessities. Yes, and some of those people are truly injured and harmed, and rely on that check. And than there are those people who don't want to get a job, so they lie to the government, saying that they are hurt, and that they need a check to pay for necessities. Yes, there are people who lie to us and take money because they are lazy. Yes, people are out there!
Apparently, they have a 2 year warranty to get a job. They have 2 years to find a job. And of course, they don't find one, because there is no need to.
Now, as the end of the second year ends, these people start to panic. They have no job, and they still are too lazy to find one. But what makes them loose their motivation to get their heads out of their butts and get to work? A nice, juicy check appears in their mailbox and a letter, too, telling them that they are covered for another 2 YEARS!! But, as a lot of us know, our country is broke!!! They can't pay for MILLIONS of people's lives! So who does?
This is where our hard working citizens meet Taxes.
To put it this way, Millions of people are sitting on a nice big wagon. And the hardworking people are the horses pulling that wagon. Sooner or later, those hard working people will get tired, and quit. So then, who's going to pull the wagon now?
One day, we will run into ruins. And Obama, spending almost 3 TRILLION dollars within spending HOURS in the office, does not help us to get out of the state we are in now.
Now here is the kicker............

I am a 10 year old girl. And I know what are economy is in. And I know why. And than, adults are out there, lying to our state, who don't get how bad they are making this.

My family will have to move out of California because we can't pay the taxes for long................
And my future is wrecked because some people don't want to work.

My future is going to be paying for the money lost in our economy because of lazy couch potatoes.

Before you tell me I'm harsh and being a jerk, just think.......

How would you like it if YOUR future was screwed?

Thank you for reading my blog. This is my very first, and I guarantee, it won't be the last.

1 comment:

  1. It Turned out nice to me! Please comment! I would LOOOOOVE to hear other people's thoughts. >3!!
